When planning your wedding, it’s a great idea to include a kid’s wedding table in your plans. A kid’s wedding table full of things that will entertain kids is ideal. This allows the kids to have fun and not get bored by all the adult activities. Not only will the kids love this but the adults will as well. They will love the fact their kids are having fun and not saying “mommy, mommy, mommy” over and over again. Who knows maybe even the adults will join the FUN kid’s activities you have planned!
Before we get started I want to share an awesome tip on how you can earn cash back with your online purchases for all the items you will need to complete your wedding ideas!
As our saying goes “When Every Penny Counts, Count on Miss PlanIt.” We love to save money and get great deals. Prior to us purchasing anything online, we check out Ebates, find the store, click the current deal for that store and complete our purchase.
If you have never used Ebates, you are MISSING OUT. If you plan to complete a wedding project using Dollar Tree products, you would go to Ebates.com, sign up, and then type in Dollar Tree.
Why Ebates?
When completing a purchase through Ebates you earn cash back that you can have mailed to you or sent via PayPal. Be sure to check it out! Click here to sign up for Ebates, and RIGHT NOW when you sign up, you will receive a $10 cash welcome bonus through my link when you spend $25.00!
You were already going to complete your purchase online, so why not get some cash back on things you already planned to purchase!
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10 Kid’s Table Wedding Ideas the Kids and Adults Will Love

I hope you enjoyed this list and are able to pick the kid’s table wedding ideas!
Please subscribe to our Youtube Channel for more DIY wedding ideas and follow us for wedding inspiration on Facebook and Pinterest. Also if you need help with an upcoming project be sure to send us a project request! “Remember When Every Penny Counts, Count on MissPlanIt”