How To Make An Amazingly Stunning Beach Wedding Centerpiece

How To Make An Amazingly Stunning Beach Wedding Centerpiece

This week, I will show you how to make an amazingly stunning beach wedding centerpiece. Having a beach wedding is a dream for many brides. Just Imagine, the warm sand under your toes with a beautiful sunset in the background.

While listening to the calming sound of waves crashing just a few feet away.

Oh my! What a picture – perfect scene.

And better yet, you are creating your beach decor on a budget.

This beautiful vase was made for ONLY $3.

So not only are you making something you will love. But you are also saving money in the process on your beach wedding decorations!

Now let’s get started.

For video instructions, please check out the video tutorial below!

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How To Make An Amazingly Stunning Beach Wedding Centerpiece

For written instructions, please continue reading below:

How To Make An Amazingly Stunning Beach Wedding Centerpiece


STEP 1: The first thing to do is to construct the $3 vase. Flip one of your Pilsner Glasses over. Apply E6000 Adhesive and then place the fish bowl on top. Allow it to dry for 2 to 3 hours. Once it is dry, apply E6000 to the top of your fish bowl. Then place your second pilsner glass on top.

How To Make An Amazingly Stunning Beach Wedding Centerpiece
How To Make An Amazingly Stunning Beach Wedding Centerpiece

Hot Glue the Foam Ball to the Pilsner Glass

STEP 2: Next apply hot glue to the rim of your Pilsner Glass. To ensure your foam ball sits securely on your glass, make an indention in your foam with a foam cutter. Now place the foam ball on your Pilsner Glass.

How To Make An Amazingly Stunning Beach Wedding Centerpiece

Attach the Hydrangeas and Willow Branches

STEP 3: Attach 6-8 large hydrangea heads, 6-8 medium hydrangea heads, and 8-12 willow branches to the foam ball.

How To Make An Amazingly Stunning Beach Wedding Centerpiece
How To Make An Amazingly Stunning Beach Wedding Centerpiece
How To Make An Amazingly Stunning Beach Wedding Centerpiece
How To Make An Amazingly Stunning Beach Wedding Centerpiece
How To Make An Amazingly Stunning Beach Wedding Centerpiece

Trim Down the Orchid Stems and Add to The Foam Ball

STEP 4: Cut the orchid stems with wire cutters to your desired length. Remove the plastic stem covering to expose the wire. Now manipulate the orchids by bending them in the direction you want. Lastly, attach 4-6 orchid stems to the foam ball.

How To Make An Amazingly Stunning Beach Wedding Centerpiece
How To Make An Amazingly Stunning Beach Wedding Centerpiece
How To Make An Amazingly Stunning Beach Wedding Centerpiece

Cover the LED Candles in Sand

STEP 5: To make the sand covered candles, cover the LED candles with modge podge. Sprinkle sand on a clean surface. Next roll the LED candles in the sand. 

How To Make An Amazingly Stunning Beach Wedding Centerpiece
How To Make An Amazingly Stunning Beach Wedding Centerpiece
How To Make An Amazingly Stunning Beach Wedding Centerpiece
How To Make An Amazingly Stunning Beach Wedding Centerpiece

I absolutely love how this amazingly stunning beach wedding centerpiece turned out! The outcome is beautiful and definitely gives you an extra special touch to your wedding!

If you like the outcome please subscribe to our Youtube Channel for more DIY Videos and follow us on Facebook and  Pinterest.

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