Light up your wedding with this glamorous wedding centerpiece in just 4 simple steps! Your guests will gasp in awe as they lay eyes on this beautiful wedding centerpiece. Not knowing you were able to add a few $1 Dollar Tree red velvet roses to save you money without compromising your beautiful wedding decor! This DIY project tutorial is so easy, even if you are not naturally crafty, you will still be able to make this stunning creation. So let’s get started! For video instructions, please check out the video tutorial below!
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Self-Adhesive LED Push Lights
Floral Garden 5-Stem Red Velvety Blooming Roses, 14 in.
Black & Silver Chandelle Feather Bow with Lurex – 6′
Styrofoam Disc – 6″
Floral Pins
Red Geranium Bush
Green Styrofoam Ball – 5″
Glass Cylinder Vase – 19 3/4″
1 Roll of 99 ft Acrylic Clear Crystal Like Beads Wedding

For written instructions, please continue reading below:
How To Make DIY Tall Stunning Classic Glamorous Wedding Centerpiece
STEP 1: The first step is to put the top of the wedding centerpiece together. To do this, you will hot glue a push LED light to a 6 inch foam disc. Next cut an inch to 2 inches of the bottom of the foam ball and then hot glue it on the opposite side of the 6 inch foam disc. To ensure it all stays together, insert extra long toothpicks in the foam disc, on the same side as the LED push light. Clip the excess of the toothpicks off with wire cutters. Now attach 18-24 geranium blossoms.
Tip: Wear safety goggles when clipping the toothpicks.

Attach The Flower Piece From Step 1 to the Cylinder Vase Rim
STEP 2: Place beaded garland to the bottom of your glass cylinder vase. Hot glue the foam disc flower piece from step 1 to the rim of the cylinder vase. Attach an additional 8-12 velvet real touch roses and fill in the empty spaces with basic roses.

STEP 3: To attach the gem garland from top to bottom, first apply hot glue to another 6 inch foam disc and attach it to the bottom of the vase. Then cut the gem garland in 20-22 inch strands and attach them all to the top with floral pins. Once they are all attached, use floral pins to attach them to the bottom foam disc.
Tip: You will need to complete this step and attach your flower disc piece from step 1 the day of your wedding at the actual location your wedding will be held. This is so the LED battery does not go out as you will want to wait to push the LED light at the wedding site. Make sure you prepare to arrive early so you have enough time to put everything together. Have most of the items prepped beforehand so there is not much to do at the wedding!

STEP 4: Measure the feather bow around the base of the centerpiece. Now cut and attach the feather bow to the bottom foam disc with floral pins. Then attach 2-4 rose blossoms to the bottom foam disc. Repeat the feather bow step to the top of the wedding centerpiece.

I absolutely love how this DIY glamorous wedding centerpiece turned out! The outcome is amazing and definitely gives you an extra special touch to your wedding!
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