7 Ways To Cut Your Daily Expenses to Free Up Money For Your Wedding



Like I’ve said before weddings can be very expensive. From the wedding decor to the honeymoon. Not only will you incur unexpected expenses that you didn’t plan for but you can also easily go over budget without intending to.

Yes we all get excited and overspend at times but we must also be prepared for inevitable mishaps!

One way to do this is to free up money by cutting some of your daily, monthly, and weekly expenses. This allows you to have money in reserves just in case you need it. Similar to having a savings account for emergencies, this would be a wedding saving’s account. In my previous post I give a list of some money-saving Dollar Tree products you need to purchase to save on your wedding.

Now I want to give you 7 tips to free up extra money for your wedding expenses!

I’ve gone through this process before with only myself and my now husband covering all our expenses and I had to get pretty creative to cover the costs to have our dream wedding.

And guess what I did exactly that by DIY’ing many things myself and doing some of the tips I recommend below. I know you can have your perfect wedding as well with a little planning, guidance and of course money.

1. Create a Zero-based budget and stick to it

It is not always what we spend but how much we spend and many of us don’t know how much that is. This is why creating a monthly budget of expenses and sticking to that budget is vital.

You can either use an excel spreadsheet or free hand on a piece of paper. Whichever method you choose, creating a budget is one way to free up money.

A way to do this is to write down your monthly income at the top of the page or spreadsheet, then begin writing down each expense such as: Rent, utilities, car note, groceries, etc. Allocate the appropriate amount to each group; with the money that is left over, use towards your wedding.

For more tips on how to create a zero based budget, go to daveramsey.com.

2. Clip coupons or download virtual coupons

If you haven’t joined the coupon craze, now might be the perfect time to do so. Clipping coupons may seem like a grueling task but now a days there are virtual coupons available. Although, this process may be time consuming, it can definitely help you save!

3. Cut the Cable

Think you can’t live without cable, think again. Cable companies are charging many consumers, $50, $100, and maybe even $200/month. With many of us working 40+ hours per week, most of us don’t have the time to lounge in front of the tube everyday.

Amazon has a great option with a Prime membership with a FREE 30 day trial. Not only will you be able to view thousands of movies and TV shows for free but you will also be able to receive FREE 2-Day shipping on over 100 million items.

Having a Prime membership has so many other benefits and really comes in handy. Start your FREE 30 day trial now, you can always cancel if this is not a good fit for you.

If you just can’t seem to grasp the concept of no cable, how about cutting it off temporarily.

Once all those wedding expenses are paid, you can reinstate your cable and many times receive a cheaper monthly payment!

4. Ditch Fast Food

You have had a long day at work and the last thing you want to do is go home and cook, so what do you do, you go through the drive-thru of your favorite fast food restaurant.

I know this feeling all too well, I also know that spending $5-$10 per day on fast food can add up. Just think about it, $10 per day for 7 days that is $70 per week, $280 per month, $3,360 per year. How about packing your lunch everyday to work.

Another great idea is to plan your meals for the week. For example you could cook on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and just make sure you cook enough for the following day. Although, you may not ‘feel like’ cooking, get passed how you feel and do what is going to save you money.

Also the health benefits that come with preparing healthy meals versus eating processed foods are invaluable.

5. Just Say No

Learning to say no to things you know will increase your financial stress is key. Many times when you decide to make a decision to change your previous habits to obtain your dream, which in this case is your dream wedding, you may have some resistance from those closest to you.

Such as your ‘friends’ may not understand you can no longer go to the mall every Saturday or go to your favorite bar or restaurant every Friday. Your sister may say to just ‘charge it’ on your credit card when you know you are trying to get out of debt and save for the perfect wedding dress.

Even though you may get quite a bit of criticism regarding your new behaviors, do not allow these negative people and dream crushers to get you off track.

Stay with your new plan and remember this is your wedding and you and your soon to be spouse are the only ones who need to be in agreement about this new change!

6. Car pool or call an uber driver

With the fluctuating prices of gasoline, keeping your car parked may be the best thing. If you have a co-worker or friend who lives close by, maybe you can catch a ride with them a few times a week and vice versa. Implementing this simple tip could possibly save you hundreds of dollars a month.

Also with great transportation services available such as Uber, this is another great alternative.

7. Think Thrifty

Shopping at your nearest Goodwill, thrift shop, garage sale, or dollar store may be the last thing you would think to do but many times you can get great deals on needed items!



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