Join us this week as we help Aseneth add a whimsical feel to her upcoming wedding with this Secret Garden Tall Centerpiece!
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Let’s Get Started:
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STEP 1: Let’s create our base. This is done by tracing your rim onto your foam disc using a Sharpie. Now take your X-acto knife to cut out your traced foam. Your foam disc should now fit snuggly in your rim.
STEP 2: For stability and decoration, add your river rocks to your vase bowl.
STEP 3: To finish your base construction, add hot glue to the rim of your vase bowl, now attach your foam disc.

STEP 4: Take your willow twigs and hot glue them to your 90 degree conduit. This will allow your lights to hang securely. Now attach your 90 degree conduit to your natural branch using hot glue.
TIP: For a more secure hold, you can use E6000 adhesive.
STEP 5: Spray paint your entire 90 degree conduit, natural branch and willow twigs with gold spray paint and allow it to dry.
STEP 6: Now trim a small hole in your foam disc. Be sure your hole is small enough so the branch base has a snug fit. Insert your branch base, add hot glue to hole opening for a secure hold.

STEP 7: Add 4 gem strands at different lengths, and 4 candle holders with fishing wire. Hot glue 3-4 hydrangea heads and add 2-4 floral twigs to each hydrangea.

STEP 8: Add 2-4 peonies and 8-12 petite roses. To cover your foam disc, add 6-8 hydrangea heads, 2-4 peonies , and 3-6 petite roses. Now add 1 LED light to each candle holder.

STEP 9: Set the table!

I absolutely love how this wedding centerpiece turned out! If you like the outcome please let us know in the comments below? Also share your ideas on what you would have done differently?
Check out the full How-To Video below. Need help with an upcoming project? Be sure to send us a project request!
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