26 Must-See Wedding Chandeliers You Could Totally DIY with a Hula Hoop


Wedding chandeliers are a great focal point for any wedding. They are eye-catching and also exude magnificence!

What’s better than having a beautiful chandelier for your wedding day? A beautiful chandelier on a budget.

The cost to rent or purchase a chandelier can be very expensive. In addition, the wedding chandelier YOU have your heart set on is not within YOUR budget. Well I have the perfect solution to this problem. DIY your own wedding chandelier!

How do I DIY my own wedding chandelier you might ask?

The answer is simple. You do so by using a hula hoop. Yes you read that right. I repeat you use a hula hoop. Hula Hoops are very inexpensive and can be purchased in bulk from the Dollar Tree for just $1.

Whether you hang your wedding chandelier over your wedding cake, sweet heart table or dance floor, the effect will definitely be something you and your guests will remember!

So check out the below ideas of fabulous wedding chandeliers that you could recreate with a hula hoop. Oh and don’t worry if you get stumped and still have no idea how to bring the chandelier you love to fruition, simply send us a project request! Your wedding chandelier could be chosen and featured on our Youtube Channel!

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Source: Pinterest.com
Photo credit: heartsfoto.com | Source: wedding wire.com
Photo Credit: Richard Bell Photography | Source: fabyoubliss.com
Source: fabmood.com
Source: pinterest.com
Photo Credit: Jose Villa | Source: stylemepretty.com
Photo Credit: Emilie Inc Photography | stylemepretty.com
Source: luxe finds.com
Source: Pinterest.com
Source: fabmood.com
Source: paulapryke.com
Photo Credit: Sarah Kate Photography | Source: brit.co
Source: aleamoore.com
Photo Credit Sylvia Weinstock Cakes | Source: weddingwire.com
Source: Pinterest.com
Source: the-angels.com
Photo credit: Eli Turner | Source: greylikesweddings.com
Photo Credit: Larissa Cleveland Photography | Source: wedding-spot.com
Photo credit: Jen and Chris Creed | Source: weddingchicks.com
Source: MissPlanIt.com